© 2018 Nicholas Williams
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Egery in dyw several fenester rag gweles an text ha goslowes i’n kettermyn.
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Rag ‘fluent of speech’ in Sowsnek, yma Nance in y erlyfrow ow comendya an ger Kernowek freth. Mar teun ny hag examnya an textow bytegyns, ny a welvyth nag usy freth ow styrya ‘fluent’ adar ‘impetuous, vigorous, eager, forceful, energetic.’ Ot obma nebes ensamplys: leverowgh whath pàn dhewgh mar freth, pyw a whelowgh? ‘say yet, since you come so impetuously, whom do you seek?’ (Passio Christi); whethens lemmyn pùb yn freth; neb na whetho gwrêns fanya ‘let everyman now blow vigorously; he who doesn’t blow, let him fan’ (Passio Cristi); rag henna tus ervys freth gorr dh’y wetha adermyn ‘therefore send eager armed men to guard him in time’ (Passio Christi); Hail, arluth fers, freth gans cledha ‘Hail, fierce lord, forceful with the sword’ (Bêwnans Ke); pòr welcùm owgh genen ny del on gwer freth in casow ‘you are very welcome to us as we are energetic men in battles’ (Bêwnans Ke); Lowena dhe’m arlùth freth, galosak dres tus an bÿs ‘hail to my forceful lord, powerful above the men of the world’ (Bêwnans Ke). Abàn nag usy an ger freth ow styrya ‘fluent in speech’, res yw dhyn predery a fordh rag y leverel in Kernowek compes. Yma an ger ‘fluent’ in Sowsnek ow tos dhyworth fluens in Latyn, ger usy ow styrya ‘flowing’. Ytho ny a alsa desmygy *frosek, ger nowyth growndys wàr fros ‘current, stream’. I’n câss-na rag ‘he writes in a fluent style’, ny a yll leverel Yma va ow screfa in gis frosek. Nyns yw tra vëth cabm gans an ger nowyth frosek, saw nyns ywa kefys i’n tavas tradycyonal. Rag ‘fluent Irish’ an Wydhyly a lever Gaeilge líofa, hèn yw ‘Godhalek polyshys, polished Irish.’ Ny a alsa ytho leverel Kernowek polyshys rag ‘fluent Cornish’. Bysy yw avowa bytegyns nag yw an ger polyshya ‘to polish’ kefys i’n tavas hengovek naneyl. I’n gwelha prës yma fordhow genen rag leverel ‘fluent’ ow cul devnyth a eryow usy i’n tavas solabrës. Yma an ger practycya ‘to practise’ ûsys dywweyth gans Jowan Tregear. Ytho ny a alsa gwil devnyth a practycys, an hanow gwadn verbek, gans an styr ‘practised, experienced’; i’n eur-na ny a vydn leverel: ow tùchya an tavas Kernowek Jowan yw cowsor practycys ‘as far as Cornish is concerned, John is an experienced speaker’, hèn yw, ‘a fluent speaker’. An fordh welha martesen dhe drailya ‘fluent’ in Kernowek yw ûsya ger kefys in Origo Mundi hag in Resurrexio Domini: hèn yw hockya ‘to hesitate’. Indelha ny a yll leverel: yma hy ow côwsel Kernowek heb hockya ‘she speaks Cornish without hesitation, she speaks Cornish fluently’. Udn dra yw certan: nyns usy freth ow mênya ‘fluent’, hag gwell yw heb y ûsya i’n styr-na.