© 2019 Nicholas Williams

Pùb gwir gwethys / All rights reserved

Clyckya obma ha goslowes / Click here to listen

Text an recordyans / Text of the recording

Egery in dyw several fenester rag gweles an text ha goslowes i’n kettermyn.

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Rag ‘to build’ in Kernowek yma Nance ow comendya drehevel ha byldya. Yma drehevelderevel ow styrya ‘to lift, to lift up’, rag ensampyl in Passyon agan Arlùth: Ha’n grows a veu drehevys ha Jesus fast’hës inhy ‘And the cross was raised up and Jesus was fixed to it’. Yma Tregear ow screfa: gwrewgh drehevel in bàn agas colonow ‘lift up your hearts.’ Traweythyow yma derevel ow styrya ‘to rise, to rise again’ rag ensampyl in Bêwnans Meryasek: nyns yw ev lemen an loor pàn ujy ow trehevel ‘it is only the moon when it is rising;’ hag in Passyon agan Arlùth: whath yn eur-na nynj êns war bones mab Duw drehevys ‘still at that time they did not realise that the Son of God had risen from the dead.’ Heb mar, dell usy Nance ow compla, y hyll drehevelderevel bos ûsys rag ‘to build.’ Rag ensampyl in Origo Mundi: Moyses wheg, ny a dhreha ragon chy ‘dear Moses, we will build a house for ourselves;’ in Passio Christi: pùb den i’n bÿs-ma a wor den vÿth oll na’n drehafsa in try dÿdh wàr neb cor ‘everybody in this world knows that no man would build it at all in three days;’ ha gans James Jenkins: Bùs, mar mennowgh derevel warbydn an pow yêyn, why a dalvia gawas an brâssa meyn ‘But if you want to build against the cold country, you should get the biggest stones.’ Dell lever Nance, yma ger aral ow mênya ‘to build’ in udnyk, hèn yw byldya, benthygys dhyworth Sowsnek ‘to build’. Yth ywa ûsys in Creacyon an Bÿs: Praga ew genes je omma byldya lester mar wordhy in cres pow dhyworth an mor? ‘Why have you to build such a splendid ship inland far from the sea?’ Yma Tregear ow screfa: ha wàr an garrek-ma me a vynn byldya ow egglos ‘and upon this rock I shall build my church’ ha cyta a veu settys bò byldys wàr meneth, ny yll bos covys ‘a city that is set or built upon a mountain, cannot be hidden’. Yma verb aral i’n textow Kernowek bytegyns usy ow sygnyfia ‘to build’, saw yth hevel na wrug Nance merkya an styr-na. An ger yw gul, gwil ‘to do, to make’. Hèm yw exampyl dhyworth Passyon agan Arlùth: y’n clêwsons ow leverel pòr wir y fynna terry an tempel crev ha’y wythyl warlergh henna dre vêstry ‘they heard him say that he would destroy the temple and build it thereafter miraculously;’ hag otta try ensampyl mes a Origo Mundi: in enour Duw my a vynn i’n dre-ma gruthyl templa ‘in God’s honour I will build a temple in this town;’ Davyd, ny wreth dhymmo chy yn certan bys venary ‘David, never will you build a house for me;’ ha may fowns y ganso myttyn omma the wul an templa ‘that they should be here with him tomorrow morning to build the temple.’* A les ywa martesen fatell usy an keth sens a’n verb ‘to do, to make’ kefys in Godhalek Wordhen, le mayth yw leverys yn fenowgh taclow kepar ha rinneadh an teach ‘the house was built,’ warlergh an lytheren ‘the house was made.’ Dre lycklod yth o an cowsans ‘to make a house’ rag ‘to build a house’ kefys in Keltek Kebmyn.

*Dhe nôtya inwedh: i’n tavas dhewedhes yma James Jenkyns ow leverel inwedh: Ni dale dieu gwile treven war an treath ‘You ought not build houses on the sand’.