© 2021 Nicholas Williams
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Text an recordyans / Text of the recording
Egery in dyw several fenester rag gweles an text ha goslowes i’n kettermyn.
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Yma an gorfen ger pò ‘suffix’ -va kebmyn orth dyweth geryow Kernowek. Yma -va ow tos dhyworth ragform -ma. An ger bian-na yw dhe gelmy gans mes ‘field’ in Kernowek ha maes ‘field’ in Kembrek ha’y styr gwredhek yw ‘le, tyller’. An sens-na a yll bos gwelys in trygva ‘dwelling-place, address’, esedhva ‘sitting-place, seat’ hag encladhva ‘burying-place, cemetery.’ Dre rêson an element -va dhe sygnyfia ‘tyller’, an gorfen ger re beu ûsys i’n tavas dasvêwys rag byldya lies ger moy. Yma an geryow nowyth-desmygys-ma rag ensampyl kefys in gerlyfryow Nance: covscrifva ‘archives’, cammva ‘place of stepping, stile’, golghva ‘bathroom, laundry’, gwaryva ‘theatre’, lytherva ‘post-office’ ha soodhva ‘place of employment, office.’ Heb mar yth eson ny oll owth aswon an ger Kernowegva ‘tyller mayth yw côwsys Kernowek’, hanow yw gwelys in tîtel an wiasva-ma. Radn a’n geryow formys gans -va re beu benthygys dhyworth Kembrek. Yma lyverva ‘library’ rag ensampyl ûsys gans Lhuyd mar avarr avell dallath an êtegves cansvledhen. Coynt lowr in textow an Kernowek Cres dre vrâs nyns yw an gorfen ger -va ûsys rag referrya dhe dyller mayth yw gwrës neb tra. Moy menowgh yma -va ow mênya gwrians abstract pò ‘abstract action’. Otobma nebes examplys: gans aga garm hag olva Jesus Crist a veu môvys ‘by their cry and weeping Jesus Christ was moved’ — olva ‘weeping’ (Passyon agan Arlùth); hèn yw dÿdh a bowesva ‘that is a day of rest’ — powesva ‘rest’ (Origo Mundi); an enejygva a Jesus Crist wàr an bës ‘the birth of Jesus Christ in the world’ — genejygva ‘birth’ (Bêwnans Meryasek); ev a ordênas an wlas a nev heb dêwethva ‘he decreed the kingdom of heaven without end’ — heb dêwethva ‘without end’ (Tregear); an eglos yw convocacyon, hèn yw cùntellva a’n bobel dres oll an bÿs ‘the church is a convocation, that is the assembly of the people throughout the world’ — cùntellva ‘assembly’ (Tregear); yma ow sygnyfia, an violacyon ha’n torrva a jeryta ‘it means the violation and rupture of charity’ — torrva ‘rupture’ (Tregear); rag sygnyfia an drailva a’n bara ha’n gwin dhe’n sùbstans a gorf Crist ha’y woos ‘to signify the transformation of the bread and wine to the substance of the body of Christ and his blood’ — trailva ‘transformation’ (Tregear); me a vydn bos golow gwrÿs hag inwedh bos dyberthva sur inter an jÿdh ha’n nos ‘I intend that light be created and also a sure distinction between the day and the night’ — dyberthva ‘distinction’ (Creacyon an Bÿs); y fëdh roweth, ha sowena i’th teylu whath ha wherthynva ‘there will be honour and prosperity in thy household yet and laughter’ — wherthynva ‘laughter’ (Bêwnans Ke). Awos geryow kepar ha trailva ‘transformation’, torrva ‘rupture’ ha wherthynva ‘laughter’ dhe vos kefys i’n tavas tradycyonal, in ow gerlyver Sowsnek - Kernowek me a gomendyas an ger nowyth-desmygys bôsva ‘being, existence’. Pÿs dâ veuma pàn glôwys vy rag an kensa prÿs an ger-na ûsys gans côwsoryon a’n tavas.