© 2017 Nicholas Williams

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Clyckya obma ha goslowes / Click here to listen

James Macpherson.m4a

Text an recordyans / Text of the recording

Egery in dyw several fenester rag gweles an text ha goslowes i’n kettermyn.

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Y feu James Macpherson genys in Conteth Inverness in mil seyth cans try deg whegh. Ev a gafas y dhyscans in coljiow in Aberdeen hag ena dewheles dh’y dyller genesyk avell scolvêster. In mil seyth cans whegh deg Macpherson a wrug dyllo lyver in Sowsnek henwys Darnow a Brydydhieth Auncyent cùntellys in Uheldiryow Scotlond. Cothmans Macpherson a gùntellas mona ragtho may halla va pêsya gans y ober a gùntelles moy a lien wàr anow i’n Uheldiryow hag in Enesow Heleth pò ‘the Hebrides’. Nebes warlergh hedna ev a dheclaryas fatell wrug ev dyscudha epyk screfys gans Ossian, prydyth, try hans bledhen wosa genesygeth Crist; hag in mil seyth cans whegh deg onen Macpherson a dhyllas Fingal, Bardhonek Epyk in Whegh Lyver gans nebes Bardhonegow Erel desmygys gans Ossian, mab Fingal, trailys dhyworth an Scot-Godhalek. An lyver o screfys in Sowsnek, in yêth plain rythmyk. An secùnd epyk henwys Temora a sewyas dyw vledhen moy adhewedhes hag oll y vardhonegow cùntellys warbarth in dadn an tîtel Obereth Ossian a welas golow an jëdh termyn cot warlergh hedna. Kettel veu dyllys an lyfrow-ma, trailys dell levery Macpherson, dhyworth bardhonegow a brydyth Godhalek a’n oos pagan, declaracyon Macpherson a veu chalynjys gans scolers y dhedhyow ev. Ny a wor hedhyw, a pe an bardhonegow may feu Ossian grôndys warnodhans screfys in gwir i’n tressa cansvledhen, y fiens in Godhalek mar goth na alsa den vëth i’n êtegves cansvledhen convedhes ger vÿth anodhans. Res yw avowa bytegyns fatell gafas Macpherson nebes a vater y scrîvyow dhyworth tradycyon côwsys an Uheldiryow. Dre lycklod y feu Macpherson inies dre whans aral. Warlergh sordyans mil seyth cans dew ugans ha pymp, yth esa lies huny in Breten Veur ow meras orth Gwydhyly Scotlond avell pobel wyls heb gonesygeth. Gans y fug-trailyansow yth esa James Macpherson ow whelas chaunjya an tybyans kebmyn-na. Ossian a dhendylas kerensa ha revrons bytegyns dres oll Ewrop, hag y feu va trailys dhe lies tavas. Oberow Macpherson a gemeras part brâs in dysplegyans an Movyans Romantek. Yth yw leverys fatell wre Napoleon Bonaparte redya Ossian wàr y gaskerhow, ha’y gothman Jean Bernadotte, mytern Swêden warlergh hedna, a henwys y kensa mab Oskar, in onour a werrour campollys in lyfrow MacphersonIn mil seyth cans eth deg Macpherson a veu dêwysys esel parlament rag Rëscamel pò ‘Camelford’ in Kernow. Ev a wethas an esedhva-na bys in y vernans hag ev a gùntellas meur a rycheth dhodho y honen. Pàn verwys ev in mil seyth cans naw deg whegh Macpherson a veu encledhys in Cornel an Brydydhyon in Abaty Westminster.