© 1998 Nicholas Williams

Pùb gwir gwethys / All rights reserved

An bardhonak-ma a veu comendys yn frâs in Esedhvos Kernow 1998

This poem was highly commended at Esedhvos Kernow 1998  

Clyckya obma ha goslowes / Click here to listen

Text an bardhonak / Text of the poem

Egery in dyw several fenester rag gweles an text ha goslowes i’n kettermyn

Open in two separate windows to see the text and listen at the same time

Yma Gerva orth pedn dewetha an bardhonak.

There is a glossary at the end of the poem.

OT i’n nans ahës an hens

sentry sans, corlan kerens

(diogel argel an lÿs)

’ter parwysy paradhys.

Ny’s any bleydh, brogh na ky;

’ma peys ha powes inhy.

Teg awel i’n tyller taw —

gwann gwyns ha’n gwÿdh yw glânsaw.

BÙSH ha prenn orth penn bloodh Crist

gwedhrys yns ha gwedhowdrist.

An air yw lymm, lomm an barr,

’ma piasen heb kespar.

Keser cales, glÿbor glaw

a goodh hag ergh hag erghlaw.

Rewys mars yw tew ha tynn,

gwrewgh slyppya sley wàr slynklyn.

Clehy cales camm ny blêk

dhe’n alargh (ÿdhnyk ewlek).

In dann orny dor kyn fo

(ass yw yêyn an dreyn adro!)

blejen ergh yw serth a’y sav,

dager gwerghgàn i’n gwynnwâv.

“Ogas gwaynten — gwell dha jer”

yw negys tegen Genver.

HIRDER heudh ha hedh i’n jëdh

Cala’ Whevrel y talleth.

Gwynn ow bÿs prÿs pell i’n plâss:

gwallow dyflas gwâv gallas.

Blejyow gwyns — gwayans alês —

yw leurlen wynn ’dann wedhenskeus.

Wheg an cooskenyn a wheth

sawor sawya, onyon-eth.

Mir arayes in unn rew

afodylys delyslyw —

dauncyoresow owrys yns,

crena cris in corolwyns.

Melenster in glesyn glas

yw lenter losow lagas

ha’n gog a gan clergân (clêw!)

i’n berlan in hy blejyow.

CALA’ MÊ cuv pàn dheu,

garth yw lowarth lowena.

Gans dauns tyckly tycky Duw

a sped dre wernek spernlyw.

Mes a’n gwels gryll gwyls a gry

dhe’n fonek fin ha’n fynny.

Bÿdh golvanas, gelvyn brâs

melwhes ha whyl ow whelas.

Flourys in dann howl ahës

a lenow lawns a lanwes:—

bayol, banal, barv an hôk,

lûcys, lywles ha laylock,

cala gwely, caja vrâs,

manek rudh, melyon, myllas,

gwygbysen, gwenynles, gwèg,

menta, minfel ha menkek,

malow, molen, mùllyon gwynn,

gelvyn garan ha glysyn,

tormentyl ha torr-men ter,

jasmyn jolyf, jylofer.

’Ma moronyon heudh in hons

ow plethy gansa garlons

hag ot gwenyn (gwana tynn),

ow mela — creun in crîben —

awhesyth pàn whyb dhe’n Tas

in nevow glas golohas.

WOSA tesy helder hâv

y kefyr kevoth kynnyaf.

Glebyer blew kefnys gans glûth

wàr brysklowyth boragweyth.

Lies yns, per, merys, mor,

avallow (athves ascor),

eyryn morel (greun a vry)

lus, avan sùgan, syvy;

poos pùb prenn gans castan crèn

ha keres (cor gà crohen).

Cùntell collgnow y coodh dhis

may fowns nos Ollsens sensys.

Tecka wel an wedhen lew

pàn drailyr lyw hy dêlyow —

melen gell gwynyol i’n gwig,

bÿdh gellrudh an gellywyk.

Scav yth omwhel del dhe’n dor,

y codhons dhywar nothscorr.

Goodh conna cul (costen gonn)

a neyj gans uj a-uhon.

Gwren cunyssa kyns ès gwâv

dhe sêsya sêson kynnyaf.

NY GEFYS bysqweth i’n bÿs

le moy fusyk, fortynnys

ès jardyn. Jorna joy veu

may whrug Duw den delînya

hag i’n moyha plêsont plâss,

in gardhen ges y’n gorras.

Pàn dheu gwâv (govy!) dhe’m gyew

ha my in anken ancow,

an enef inof, tan ev

i’th lowarth, Arlùth ardhnev,

ha’m purha pegh pura gwra

in gordhyans dha gerensa.



Definitions have generally been confined to those relevant for the poem. To keep the glossary to a manageable length the listing excludes the most common words. These are best looked up in Gerlyver Kescows – A Cornish Dictionary for Conversation (Ian Jackson, Agan Tavas 2017). A draft of the Second Edition of Gerlyver Kescows is available on the Vocabulary page of skeulantavas.com. If you need grammar, by far the most helpful book is Desky Kernowek (Nicholas Williams, Evertype 2012). Bear in mind that some of the vocabulary is poetical.

a vry phr of account

alargh m elergh swan

ancow death

ardhnev high heaven

argel f argelow sequestered place

awhesyth m awhesydhas lark

banal col broom

barr col twigs

barv an hôk hawksbeard

bayol m elecampane

blejen f blejyow bloom

blejen ergh snowdrop

blejen gwyns anemone

boragweyth adv one morning

bysqweth adv = bythqweth

caja vrâs ox-eye daisy

cala gwely col bedstraw

Cala’ Whevrel first of February

càn adj pure-white

castan col = kesten

clehy ice

cog = cùcû

collgnow col hazelnuts

cooskenyn col wild garlic

corolwyns dancing breeze

crèn adj round

creun gathering, reserve

crîben f crîbennow honeycomb

cris verve, vigour

cunyssa gather firewood

dager m dagrow tear; drop

’dann2 prep = in dann2

dauncyores f dauncyoresow female dancer, ballerina

delys- pref worthy

eth m êthow odour

ewlek adj hungry

eyryn col sloes

fonek f fonegow hayfield

fortynnys adj propitious

fynny bent grass

garlons pl = garlontow

gardhen enclosed garden

garth m & f gardhow enclosed garden

gelvyn m gelvynas bill, beak

gelvyn garan cranesbill

glysyn col cornflowers

golohas worship

gordhyans worship

gryll m gryllas cricket

gwall m gwallow wall

gwayans movement

gwèg bindweed

gwenynles balm

gwergh adj virgin

gwernek f gwernegow alder grove

gwig f gwigow wood, grove

gwygbës col gwygbysen chickpea

gwynyol col maples

gyew col sinews

hedh (hedhes) reach

helder liberality, generosity

heudh adj joyful

in hons (in hans) phr beyond, yonder

jasmyn jasmine

jylofer carnation, pink

kellywyk f kellywygow wood, grove

kevoth power, wealth

lanwes abundance

lawn m lawns lawn

laylock lilac

lenter adj shining, gleaming

lomm adj bare

lûcys col garden iris

lus col bilberries

lÿs f lÿsyow court, hall

lywles dyer’s rocket

’ma verb = yma

malow col mallows

manek rudh foxglove

mela gather honey

menkek heather, ling

melyon col pansies, violets

merys medlar

minfel milfoil

molen mullein

mor col mulberries

morel adj glossy black

moren f moronyon maid, girl

myll myllas field poppy

nans m nansow valley

nos Ollsens Halloween

orny chilliness

owra gild

parwys m parwysy wall

perlan f perlannow pear orchard

peys peace

pias col piasen magpies

plêkya please

prenn m prennyer tree

prysklowyth col shrubs

pura cleanse

sentry glebe-land

spern col thorn (plant)

ter adj eager

’ter prep = inter

tesy warm in the sun

tormentyl tormentil

torr men saxifrage

whybya trill

ÿdhnyk m ydhnygow cygnet (here)