Click on the link for Edition 006

Obma an nowodhow a Gernow, nowodhow a’n bÿs Keltek, ha lesson cot a’n Kernowek adro dhe’n ger ‘and/ha’. Obma mûsyk a Gernow in Kernowek, inwedh ilow in Bretonek, Godhalek ha Gaidhlig. Obma kefrës yma onen a’n canow moyha kerys i’n Kembrek, dhe’n kensa treveth lyckly lowr in radyô a Gernow – ‘Yma o hyd’ gans Dafydd Iwan. Hòm yw kenys yn fenowgh orth fyttys pel droos ha rùgby in Kembra.

We have the Cornish news, Celtic world news, and a short Cornish lesson based around the word ‘and/ha’. We have music in Cornish from Cornwall, as well as in Breton, Irish and Gaidhlig. There is also one of the most popular songs in Welsh, probably for the first time on Cornish radio – ‘Yma o hyd’ by Dafydd Iwan. It is often sung at football and rugby matches in Wales.