Put the definite article in front of the noun and translate.
1. fardelygow
2. jynjiow
3. parcow
4. mebyon
5. mergh
6. gwelyny
7. fenestry
8. cothmans
9. eskern
10. abransow
11. caderyow
12. kelyn
13. lorednow
14. lywansow
15. pluvogow
16. scubellow
17. lagasow
18. tavernyow
19. pùscadoryon
20. meyn
1. an fardelygow, the packets
2. an jynjiow, the engine-houses
3. an parcow, the fields
4. an vebyon, the sons (or boys)
5. an vergh, the horses
6. an gwelyny, the sticks
7. an fenestry, the windows
8. an gothmans, the friends
9. an eskern, the bones
10. an abransow, the eyebrows
11. an caderyow, the chairs
12. an kelyn, the puppies
13. an lorednow, the satellites
14. an lywansow, the paintings
15. an pluvogow, the pillows (or cushions)
16. an scubellow, the brooms
17. an lagasow, the eyes
18. an tavernyow, the pubs
19. an bùscadoryon, the fishermen
20. an veyn, the stones