Convert the present forms into imperfect forms and translate.
Example: Nyns eus bara wàr an voos.
Nyns esa bara vëth wàr an voos. There wasn’t any bread on the table.
1. Nyns eus deves vëth i’n park.
2. Nyns eus flehes vëth i’n scol.
3. Nyns eus lyvrow vëth i’n stevel esedha.
4. Nyns eus tesednow vëth i’n gwerthjy.
5. Nyns eus lies carr wàr an fordh.
6. Nyns eus teyr hath i’n chy-na.
7. Nyns eus lo vëth ryb pùb hanaf.
8. Nyns eus moos frank vëth i’n goffîva.
9. Nyns eus daromres tew i’n dre.
10. Nyns eus estyll mordardh vëth wàr an treth.
1. Nyns esa deves vëth i’n park. There weren’t any sheep in the park.
2. Nyns esa flehes vëth i’n scol. There weren’t any children in the school.
3. Nyns esa lyvrow vëth i’n stevel esedha. There weren’t any books in the sitting-room..
4. Nyns esa tesednow vëth i’n gwerthjy. There weren’t any cakes in the shop.
5. Nyns esa lies carr wàr an fordh. There weren’t many cars on the road.
6. Nyns esa teyr hath i’n chy-na. There weren’t three cats in that house.
7. Nyns esa lo vëth ryb pùb hanaf. There wasn’t any spoon beside each cup.
8. Nyns esa moos frank vëth i’n goffîva. There wasn’t any free table in the café.
9. Nyns esa daromres tew i’n dre. There wasn’t dense traffic in [the] town.
10. Nyns esa estyll mordardh vëth wàr an treth. There weren’t any surfboards on the beach.