Answer the questions with yes (prefer anjy for ‘they’) and translate.
Example: A wrug hy gwary i’n lowarth?
Gwrug, hy a wrug gwary i’n lowarth. Yes, she played in the garden.
1. A wrug an tycky Duw esedha wàr an flour?
2. A wrug vy prena scath?
3. A wrussowgh why miras orth an clock?
4. A wrug an flehes ponya der an castel?
5. A wrusta marhogeth i’n degolyow hâv?
6. A wrug hy hothman mos dhe’n eglos?
7. A wrug ev gweles dew edhen gwydn?
8. A wrug an wragh wherthyn?
9. A wrug agan mabm gorra hanaf wàr an voos?
10. A wrussons y kerhes dowr?
1. Gwrug, an tycky Duw a wrug esedha wàr an flour. Yes, the butterfly settled on the flower.
2. Gwrug, my a wrug prena scath. Yes, I bought a boat.
3. Gwrussyn, ny a wrug miras orth an clock. Yes, we looked at the clock.
4. Gwrussons, an flehes a wrug ponya der an castel. Yes, the children ran through the castle.
5. Gwrug, my a wrug marhogeth i’n degolyow hâv. Yes, I rode in the summer holidays.
6. Gwrug, hy hothman a wrug mos dhe’n eglos. Yes, her friend went to church.
7. Gwrug, ev a wrug gweles dew edhen gwydn. Yes, he saw two white birds.
8. Gwrug, an wragh a wrug wherthyn. Yes, the witch laughed.
9. Gwrug, agan mabm a wrug gorra hanaf wàr an voos. Yes, our mother put a cup on the table.
10. Gwrussons, anjy a wrug kerhes dowr. Yes, they brought some water.