Answer the questions with yes (prefer anjy for ‘they’) and translate.
Example: A wrug hy gwary i’n lowarth?
Gwrug, hy a wrug gwary i’n lowarth. Yes, she played in the garden.
1. A wrug an jyn tedna dos in mes a’n park?
2. A wrug an gwyns herdhya der an crow?
3. A wrug Mabm ha Tas vysytya an hens horn?
4. A wrug ev leverel “Gromercy”?
5. A wrussyn ny gweles gavar?
6. A wrug an maw mos dhe’n scol wàr y rostell?
7. A wrug ev settya an bara wàr an voos?
8. A wrussons y ûsya collel ha forgh?
9. A wrussowgh why pêsya desky Kernowek?
10. A wrug an lostek ponya dhe ves?
1. Gwrug, an jyn tedna a wrug dos in mes a’n park. Yes, the tractor came out of the field.
2. Gwrug, an gwyns a wrug herdhya der an crow. Yes, the wind blew through the shed.
3. Gwrussons, Mabm ha Tas a wrug vysytya an hens horn. Yes, Mother and Father visited the railway.
4. Gwrug, ev a wrug leverel “Gromercy”. Yes, he said thank you.
5. Gwrussyn, ny a wrug gweles gavar. Yes, we saw a goat.
6. Gwrug, an maw a wrug mos dhe’n scol wàr y rostell. Yes, the boy went to school on his skateboard.
7. Gwrug, ev a wrug settya an bara wàr an voos. Yes, he set the bread on the table.
8. Gwrussons, anjy a wrug ûsya collel ha forgh. Yes, they used knives and forks.
9. Gwrussowgh, why a wrug pêsya desky Kernowek. Yes, you continued learning Cornish.
10. Gwrug, an lostek a wrug ponya dhe ves. Yes, the fox ran away.