Answer the questions with yes (prefer anjy for ‘they’) and translate.
Example: A wrug hy gwary i’n lowarth?
Gwrug, hy a wrug gwary i’n lowarth. Yes, she played in the garden.
1. A wrug an den coth mos dhe’n lyverva?
2. A wrug glaw codha wàr an to?
3. A wrug an kerry sevel wàr an fordh?
4. A wrug ev gwysca côta poos?
5. A wrussons y debry fav ledan ha cawl?
6. A wrug vy ry lies ensampel?
7. A wrug ev bonkya an voos gans y dhorn?
8. A wrusta cùsca termyn hir?
9. A wrug an chîcok esedha wàr fos an chy?
10. A wrug an den megy cygaryk kyns mos i’n tavern?
1. Gwrug, an den coth a wrug mos dhe’n lyverva. Yes, the old man went to the library.
2. Gwrug, glaw a wrug codha wàr an to. Yes, rain fell on the roof.
3. Gwrussons, an kerry a wrug sevel wàr an fordh. Yes, the cars stopped on the road.
4. Gwrug, ev a wrug gwysca côta poos. Yes, he put on a heavy coat.
5. Gwrussons, anjy a wrug debry fav ledan ha cawl. Yes, they ate broad beans and cabbage.
6. Gwrug, my a wrug ry lies ensampel. Yes, I gave many examples.
7. Gwrug, ev a wrug bonkya an voos gans y dhorn. Yes, he banged the table with his fist.
8. Gwrusta, ty a wrug cùsca termyn hir. Yes, you slept for a long time.
9. Gwrug, an chîcok a wrug esedha wàr fos an chy. Yes, the house-martin perched on the wall of the house.
10. Gwrug, an den a wrug megy cygaryk kyns mos i’n tavern. Yes, the man smoked a cigarette before going into the pub.