Supplementary to Gerlyver Kescows and continuously reviewed and expanded
Here are the topical vocabulary lists that have been published so far in the 2nd edition, with links to webpage and downloadable pdf formats
1 Body
1-A Figure, fitness
1-B Head
1-C Mouth, nose, throat, neck
1-D Bones, limbs
1-E Reproduction, sex
1-F External, internal
2 Health
2-A General
2-B Genetic disorders
2-C Mental / psychological disorders
2-D Bacterial / fungal / parasitic diseases
2-E Viral diseases
2-F Inflammations etc
2-G Other conditions
2-H Physical injury
2-I Symptoms
2-J Medical equipment
2-K Drugs etc
2-L Medical personnel
2-M Surgery
2-N Dental
2-O Eyes, ears
2-P Miscellaneous vocabulary
3 Life, Death
3-A Conception, birth
3-B Lifetime
3-C Death
3-D Sentenced to death
3-E Honouring the dead
3-F Miscellaneous vocabulary
4 Family
4-A Relatives
4-B Lineage
4-C Marriage etc
4-D In-laws
4-E Children
4-F Baptism
4-G Miscellaneous vocabulary
5 Attire, Grooming
5-A Clothes
5-B Formal
5-C Style
5-D Clothing parts
5-E Fastenings etc
5-F Fabrics etc
5-G Headwear
5-H Footwear
5-I Underwear
5-J Jewellery
5-K Make-up, personal grooming
5-L Miscellaneous vocabulary
6 Food, Drink
6-A General
6-B Meals
6-C Cooking, preparing food
6-D Bread, biscuit, cake, pudding
6-E Eggs, dairy
6-F Meat
6-G Fish, seafood
6-H Vegetables
6-I Fruit
6-J Nuts, seeds
6-K Herbs
6-L Spices
6-M Various ingredients
6-N Sweet tooth
6-O Tea, coffee
6-P Alcohol, mixers etc
6-Q At the table
6-R Rooms, spaces
6-S Miscellaneous vocabulary
7 Home
7-A Structure
7-B Rooms, spaces
7-C Fixtures and fittings
7-D Furniture
7-E Small children
7-F Bedroom, bathroom
7-G Kitchen, dining room
7-H Laundry, cleaning
7-I Needle, thread etc
7-J Plumbing, heating, cooling
7-K Electrics, lighting
7-L Garden
7-N Storage
7-O Miscellaneous vocabulary
8 Equipment
8-A General
8-B Tools
8-C Machines, instruments
8-D Plant, heavy machinery
8-E Combustion, explosives
8-F Fluids
8-G Weapons (see War for modern armaments)
8-H Electrics, lighting
8-I Audio-visual
8-K Miscellaneous vocabulary
9 Town
9-A Street
9-B Access
9-C Parking
9-D Buildings, structures
9-E Church, cathedral
9-F Shopping
9-G Planning
9-H Miscellaneous vocabulary
10 Countryside
10-A General
10-B Hill, valley
10-C Moor, meadow
10-D Woods
10-E Water
10-F Coast
10-G Structures
10-H Miscellaneous vocabulary
11 People
11-A About town
11-B Artisans, skilled labour
11-C Intellectual
11-D Nobility etc
11-E Identity
11-F Sex
11-G Disapproving, disparaging
11-H At the movies
11-I Scouting
11-J Miscellaneous vocabulary
12 Travel
12-A Rail
12-B Road
12-C Bus
12-D Car, caravan
12-E Bicycle, motorcycle etc
12-F Horseback, horse-drawn
12-G Air
12-H Outer space
12-I Tourism
12-J Miscellaneous vocabulary
13 Ship, Boat
13-A Vessels etc
13-B About the vessel
13-C Spars, sails, rigging
13-D Navigation
13-E Personnel
13-F Shore
13-G Miscellaneous vocabulary
14 Physical World
14-A Physics
14-B Chemistry
14-C Land
14-D Sea
14-E Sky, weather
14-F Our planet
14-G Outer space, cosmos
14-H Miscellaneous vocabulary
15 Material
15-A Element
15-B Allotrope, isotope, alloy etc
15-C Compound
15-D Mineral
15-E Biological
15-F Miscellaneous vocabulary
16 Shape, Pattern
16-A Shape
16-B Pattern
16-C Miscellaneous vocabulary
17 Quantity, Calculation
17-A Degree, quantity, size
17-B Units of measurement
17-C Mathematics
17-D Miscellaneous vocabulary
18 Animals
18-A General
18-B Domestic
18-C Livestock
18-D British mammals
18-E British reptiles and amphibians
18-F British inland birds
18-G British birds of prey
18-H British water birds
18-I British insects etc
18-J Fish etc