Second Edition
Ian Jackson
Supplementary to Gerlyver Kescows
and continuously reviewed and expanded
Last updated: 28 February 2025 (19:00)
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The purpose of Kescows Nebes Moy is to enable Cornish conversation about most non-specialist subjects without the need to switch into English. A first edition appeared in 2018. Cornish vocabulary items not found in Gerlyver Kescows were presented for the first time in classified lists that take the learner beyond elementary vocabulary, enabling conversation about more technical topics that nonetheless form part of everyday life.
The first edition was necessarily quite experimental, and was confined to just five thousand entries. Much has been learned since the first edition appeared. This second edition is being developed in more comprehensive form on-line. In particular we are considering families wishing to speak Cornish in the home, as well as the challenge of establishing potential for teaching through the medium of Cornish in primary and secondary schools.
You can search for what you want in this section, by Cornish or English word, using find on page or ctrl f.
You can browse the list of sections currently available here
Click or tap here for the Appendix ‘Word Building‘ which explains the principles of compounding, prefixation and suffixation.
We are very grateful to Professor Nicholas Williams and Michael Everson for the opportunity to coordinate these lists with drafts of their Gerlyver Brâs.
If you are supportive of revived traditional Cornish and the Kernowek Standard spelling system, please let us know in the event you find any errors or think something might be improved.
A word has a single stress accent on the penultimate syllable in the absence of any specific indication. When this accent falls elsewhere, the underlined vowel marks the syllable which is stressed. The symbol ‖ after a word indicates that, instead of a single stress accent, two syllables of the word are given prominence. In the case of a disyllabic word the prominence is usually slightly stronger on the adjectival element.
Some are now largely of historical interestFor military vessels see War
bargesyor (jyn bargesy) m bargesyoryon hovercraft
barj m barjys barge
canoa m canoas canoe
canoa kewys m dugout [canoe]
carthlester ‖ m carthlestry ‖ dredger
caryor meurvyns m caryoryon bulk carrier
catamaran (gorhal dewgorf ‖) m catamarans catamaran
cayak (canoa Inûyt) m cayacow kayak
clyper m clypers clipper
côk draylya m cûcow trawler
côk jyn m cûcow fishing boat (with engine)
côk lesca m cûcow lugger
côk scav m cûcow wherry
coregel m coreglow coracle
corsyor jyn m corsyoryon motor cruiser
cotra m cotrys cutter
daw m dawow dhow
dobyl y gorf phr double-hulled
dor ha mor phr amphibious
dromond m dromondys dromond
estyllek adj clinker built
galleon m galleons galleon
gally m gallys galley
gondola m gondolaow gondola (incl cable car)
gorhal bian m gorholyon boat
gorhal brâs m gorholyon ocean-going vessel
gorhal carg m gorholyon cargo ship, freighter
gorhal corsya m gorholyon cruise ship, cruise liner
gorhal dyw wern m gorholyon two-master
gorhal glow m gorholyon collier
gorhal golow m gorholyon lightship
gorhal golyow m gorholyon sailing ship
gorhal kenwerth m gorholyon merchant ship
gorhal kêthyon m gorholyon slaver
gorhal sensoryon m gorholyon container ship
gorhal tan m gorholyon steamship, steamer
gorhal tan rodhlow m gorholyon paddle steamer
gorhal teyr gwern m gorholyon three-master
gorhal tremenysy (trethysy) m gorholyon passenger ship
gyg m gyggys gig
ha'n estyll kevenep phr carvel built
hûker m hûkers [Galway] hooker
jollyvat (scath jolyf) m jolyvattys jolly-boat
jùnk m jùnkyow junk
keybal kerry m car / ro-ro ferry
keybal trainys m train ferry
lancha m lanchys launch
lester cunys m lestry bunker vessel
lester gwern dhelergh m lestry ketch
lester gwern pell dhelergh m lestry yawl
lester godnys m lestry gunboat
lester hâv m lestry yacht
lester keybal m lestry ferry
lester lînen gorlanwes m lestry [luxury] liner
Lester Noy m Noah's Ark
lester trumach m lestry packet [ship]
pùnt m pùntys punt
pynâs m pynacys pinnace
revlester ‖ dyw res m revlestry ‖ bireme
revlester ‖ teyr res m revlestry ‖ trireme
scath clos f scathow raft
scath corf tydn whethadow m scathow rigid hull inflatable boat (RHIB)
scath dyscarga f scathow lighter
scath gool f scathow sailing boat
scath golyow cregys f scathow lugger
scath hir f scathow longboat
scath keybal f scathow ferry boat
scath revow f scathow rowing boat
scath roos f scathow seine boat
scath scav f scathow skiff
scath sedhy f scathow submersible
scath trosella f scathow pedalo
scath uskys f scathow speedboat
scath whethadow f scathow inflatable [boat]
scathyk f scathygow dinghy; tender
scûner m scûners schooner
slûp m slûpys sloop
styfsky ‖ m styfskiow ‖ jet ski
tanker m tankeryow tanker
tednlester ‖ m tenlestry ‖ tug [boat]
tonach m tonnage
treth chain m trêthyow chain ferry
An Baner Du m The Jolly Roger
An Baner Rudh m The Red Ensign
ancar m ancoryon anchor
aros m arosyow poop
astell cres f estyll centreboard
bagh fastya m bahow cleat
bollard m bolardys bollard
cabestran (capstern) m cabestranys capstan
cabmlath ‖ f camlathow ‖ davit
capel gorhal m caplys hawser
castel arâg m castylly forecastle (pronounced, usualy written, as fo'c'sle)
chymbla m chymblys funnel
crow an flûr m crowyow deckhouse
crow radyô m crowyow radio shack
crowslath ‖ f crowslathow ‖ transom
cùntellva f cùntellvaow assembly point, muster station
delergh m stern
dyvobmer m dyvomeryow fender
ebyl fastya m ebylyon belaying pin
ebyl lew m ebylyon tiller
flûr aros m flûrys poop deck
flûr awoles m flûrys orlop [deck]
flûr brâs m flûrys main deck
flûr dhelergh m flûrys afterdeck; quarterdeck
flûr howla m flûrys sun / lido deck
flûr kewar m flûrys weather deck
flûr rag m flûrys foredeck
flûr rôsya m flûrys promenade deck
gorthfos ‖ f gorthfosow ‖ bulwark
gùnal m gùnalys gunwale
gwely m gweliow berth (bed)
hacha m hachys hatch
[in] mes a'n lester phr overboard
jyn avês m jynys outboard motor
kegyn gorhal f kegynow galley
kelsan m kelsanow keelson
kengorror m kengororyon propeller
keyn gorhal m keynow keel
laster m ballast
lew m lewyow rudder; helm
lînen dowr f lînednow waterline
lovan scath f lovonow painter
lugarn lewyas m lugern navigation light
neyth bran m neythow bryny crow's nest
parwys (fos) m parwysy bulkhead
pedn arâg m pednow bow, prow
pêklen ‖ f pêklednow ‖ tarpaulin
plynken tira f plynkednow gangplank
pons lewyas m ponsow bridge
ragdhelow f ragdhelowow figurehead
revbyn ‖ m revbydnys ‖ rowlock
rom stanch m rômys watertight compartment
scons m rail
stevel an caudarn m stevelyow boiler room
stevel an jyn m stevelyow engine room
stras m strâsow hold
stras carg m strâsow cargo hold
stras cunys m strâsow bunker
stras glow m strâsow coal bunker
stras tanya m strâsow stokehold
tardhell f tardhellow vent[ilator]
toll deseha m tell scupper
toll esedha m tell cockpit
treuspren ‖ m treusprednyer ‖ thwart
wàr lester phr aboard
amal arâg m luff
amal dhelergh m leech
bôspryt m bôspryttys bowsprit
briansen f throat (of sail)
clopen tellys m truck
còl m peak (of sail)
colm clôvych m colmow clove hitch
colm pedrak m colmow reef knot
colm re m colmow slip knot
cornel awoles f cornellow clew (of square sail)
cornel dhelergh f clew (of fore-and-aft sail)
crow rôp m crewow cringle
dela f deledhow yard[arm]
gaff m gaffow gaff
gool arâg m & f golyow foresail; loosely jib, genoa
gool [bô]spryt m & f golyow spritsail
gool brâs m & f golyow mainsail
gool stay m & f golyow staysail
gool ugh-galont ‖ m & f golyow topgallant (sail)
gool uhelha m & f golyow topsail
gwelen (predn) gool f gwelyny spar
gwern arâg f gwernow foremast
gwern dhelergh f gwernow mizzen mast
gwern ugh-galont ‖ f gwernow topgallant (mast)
gwern uhelha f gwernow topmast
gwern vrâs f gwernow brâs mainmast
ha'n golyow alînys rag ha dhelergh phr fore-and-aft rigged
ha gool / golyow Bermûda dhodho phr Bermuda rigged
ha gool / golyow gaff dhodho phr gaff-rigged
ha gool / golyow latîn dhodho phr lateen-rigged
ha golyow pedrak dhodho phr square-rigged
jen m jênow genoa
jyb m jybow jib
lovan cornel f lovonow sheet (for square sail)
lovan stag f lovonow shroud
lovonow gorhal pl rigging
osclath f osclathow sprit
owtrygger m owtryggers outrigger
pedn m head (of sail)
predn brâs m prednow boom
rôp an còl m rôpys peak halyard
rôp an vriansen m rôpys throat halyard
rôp golya m rôpys sheet (for fore-and-aft sail)
rôp hâlya m rôpys halyard
spynaker m spynakers spinnaker
stay m stayes stay
stay rag m stayes forestay
stay dhelergh m stayes backstay
tack m tack
troos m foot (of sail)
vernys gwelen gool m yacht varnish
a'n tu cledh phr to port (position)
a'n tu clejor phr to leeward (position)
a'n tu dyhow phr to starboard (position)
a'n tu gwyns phr to windward (position)
a'n tu ’ves dhe'n chartys phr in uncharted waters (nowadays only figurative)
adenewen adv abeam
adhelergh adv astern (position)
arâg adv ahead (position)
chart m chartys chart
delergh ogam m gybe
delergh-ogamya ‖ v gybe verb
golya ogas dhe'n gwyns phr sail close to the wind (incl figuratively), beat [against the wind]
golyadow adj navigable
gorwolhy v wash over, swamp
in clejor prep in the lee of
in tackyans cledh phr on the port tack
in tackyans dyhow phr on the starboard tack
istyna v reach
istynans adenewen m beam reach
istynans ledan m broad reach
istynans nes m close reach
keveryans m bearing(s)
lùffya v luff
lùffyans m luff(ing)
merk neyja (bey) m merkys buoy
mora v put to sea, sail (in that sense)
morans m putting to sea, sailing (in that sense)
mororieth f seafaring; seamanship
mos wàr gors cres phr steer a middle course (incl figuratively)
mùllak m buoy (large)
musurel downder f musurellow depth gauge
navygacyon m navigation (as in English this may mean calculating a course or simply sailing a ship)
ogas dhe wyns phr close-hauled
pedrans m pedransow quadrant (instrument)
peryscôp m peryscôpow periscope
poynt a wolyans m poyntys point of sail
resek gan an gwyns phr run downwind / before the wind
savla recknys m savleow estimated position, position by dead reckoning
sextant m sextans sextant (instrument)
tackya v tack, go about; loosely beat [against the wind]
tackyans m tack(ing)
trailya ajy dhe'n gwyns phr turn into the wind
trailya an lew dhywar wyns phr put the helm down
trailya an lew wàr wyns phr put the helm up
tu [qwarter] gwir an gwyns m true wind direction
tu [qwarter] omdhyswedhyansek an gwyns m apparent wind direction
wàr dhelergh phr astern (motion)
wàr rag phr ahead (motion)
wor'tu ha cledh phr to port (motion)
wor'tu ha clejor phr to leeward (motion)
wor'tu ha dyhow phr to starboard (motion)
wor'tu ha gwyns phr to windward (motion)
wor'tu ’ves dhe'n chartys phr into uncharted waters (nowadays only figurative)
aspiyas m aspiysy lookout
brenyas m brenysy boatswain (pronounced, usually written, as bosun)
carpentor an lester m carpentoryon ship's carpenter
den an chartys m tus navigator
fôgor m fôgoryon stoker
golyans m sailing; navigation (but not in sense of calculating a course)
gôlyas (wach) m gôlyasow watch
is-sodhak ‖ m is-sodhogyon ‖ petty officer
jynor m jynoryon engineer
lewyador m lewyadoryon pilot
lewyth m lewydhyon helmsman
lewyth scath m lewydhyon coxswain (pronounced coxun)
mâta brenyas m mâtys bosun's mate
mêster ha comondyas phr master and commander
ancarva f ancarvaow anchorage, moorings, berth
ancorya v anchor, moor, berth
bey ancorya m mooring buoy
clejor m lee
dock m dockys dock
dock sëgh m dockys dry dock
dones i'n dock phr dock verb intr
dry i'n dock phr dock verb tr
gorra wàr dreth phr beach verb
gyllys wàr dreth phr aground
herdhya dhe ves phr push off
lesterva f lestervaow dockyard; shipyard
marîna m marînaow marina
orth morrep an clejor phr on a lee shore
sensy gans lovonow phr moor
slynkva f slynkvaow slipway
staj m stajow landing-stage
tôwlel ancar phr let go the anchor
anvudhadow adj unsinkable
bey carya m breeches buoy
bord an capten m bordys captain's table
budhy dre dowl phr scuttle
bynakyl m bynaclys binnacle
calkya v caulk
calkyans m caulking
compas-rosen ‖ f compas-rosednow compass rose
cryghdhowr ‖ m wash
kelorn scùllya m kelornow bailer
morgân ‖ f morgânow ‖ sea shanty
ol gorhal m olow wake
practys sawder m practycyow lifeboat drill
salvay m salvage
scùllya dowr phr bail
ser scathow m sery boatbuilder
tiror m tiroryon landlubber