Second Edition
Ian Jackson
Supplementary to Gerlyver Kescows
and continuously reviewed and expanded
Last updated: 27 February 2025 (18:00)
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The purpose of Kescows Nebes Moy is to enable Cornish conversation about most non-specialist subjects without the need to switch into English. A first edition appeared in 2018. Cornish vocabulary items not found in Gerlyver Kescows were presented for the first time in classified lists that take the learner beyond elementary vocabulary, enabling conversation about more technical topics that nonetheless form part of everyday life.
The first edition was necessarily quite experimental, and was confined to just five thousand entries. Much has been learned since the first edition appeared. This second edition is being developed in more comprehensive form on-line. In particular we are considering families wishing to speak Cornish in the home, as well as the challenge of establishing potential for teaching through the medium of Cornish in primary and secondary schools.
You can search for what you want in this section, by Cornish or English word, using find on page or ctrl f.
You can browse the list of sections currently available here
Click or tap here for the Appendix ‘Word Building‘ which explains the principles of compounding, prefixation and suffixation.
We are very grateful to Professor Nicholas Williams and Michael Everson for the opportunity to coordinate these lists with drafts of their Gerlyver Brâs.
If you are supportive of revived traditional Cornish and the Kernowek Standard spelling system, please let us know in the event you find any errors or think something might be improved.
A word has a single stress accent on the penultimate syllable in the absence of any specific indication. When this accent falls elsewhere, the underlined vowel marks the syllable which is stressed. The symbol ‖ after a word indicates that, instead of a single stress accent, two syllables of the word are given prominence. In the case of a disyllabic word the prominence is usually slightly stronger on the adjectival element.
amalven ‖ m amalveyn ‖ kerb stone
astell argemydnow f estyll advertising hoarding
beggyer (begger) m beggyers beggar
bollard m bolardys bollard
camera diogeleth m cameras security camera
golowbren Belisha ‖ m golowbrednyer ‖ Belisha beacon
gorher toll whythrans m gorheryow manhole cover
gortos dyfednys phr no waiting
hens dywrosow m hensy cycle lane
kenen camera diogeleth f security camera footage
kerdhva f kerdhvaow promenade; walkway
kew f kewyow close
leghven ‖ m leghveyn ‖ paving stone
men cauns m meyn cobble[stone]
plain an varhas m plainys market-place, market square
post kevarweth m postow signpost
qwartron kerdhoryon m qwartronys pedestrian zone
rôsva dywrosow f rôsvaow cycle path
treusva kerdhoryon f treusvaow pedestrian crossing
treusva labol f treusvaow zebra crossing
warden trafyk m wardens traffic warden
dyhensas rag tro m dyhensasow temporary diversion
fordh entra f fordhow entrance, way in
fordh in mes f fordhow exit, way out
hens dall m hensy cul-de-sac
kelghfordh ‖ f kelghfordhow ring road
kevreth udnlergh ‖ f kevrethyow one-way system
pêmont daromdak m pêmons congestion charge
qwartron gorvok tanow pur m qwartronys ultra-low emission zone (ULEZ)
qwartron gorvok tanow m qwartronys low emission zone (LEZ)
qwartron parkya strothys m qwartronys restricted parking area
strêt udnlergh ‖ m strêtys one-way street
ap parkya m appyow parking app
carrgew ‖ f carrgewyow ‖ car park (small, usually private)
carrsav ‖ m carrsavow ‖ parking space
dywlînen velen du double yellow lines
jyn pê parkyans m jynys car parking machine
parkya dyfednys phr no parking
parkyans rag evredhyon disabled parking
pê ha dysqwa phr pay and display
spal parkya m spalyow parking fine
warden parkyans m wardens parking warden
airel f airellow ventilator
alê (rôsva in dadn do) m alês arcade
alê dydhana (alê jynys gwary) m alês amusement arcade
alusenjy ‖ m alusenjiow ‖ almshouse
argh gass m arhow gasometer
block sodhvaow m blockys office block
bùrjesty ‖ (audyans, lÿs an dre, merjy ‖, trevlÿs ‖) m bùrjestiow town hall
byldyans (derevyans, drehevyans) m byldyansow building, construction
byldyans fram predn m byldyansow half-timbered building
byldyans ranjiow m byldyansow block of flats
byldyans sodhvaow m byldyansow office building
canaseth m canasedhow embassy
chy coynach m treven coynach coinage hall
chy parys m treven prefab
craghvyldys ‖ adj jerry-built
cresen cùssulya cytysans f cresednow citizens advice bureau
covep gwerryans f covebow war memorial
cresen kemeneth f cresednow community centre
cresen termyn syger f cresednow leisure centre
cresen whel f cresednow job centre
cromdo ‖ m cromdohow ‖ dome
culyak gwyns m culyogas weather vane
fosscrif ‖ m fosscrîvyow ‖ graffiti
golghty omservys ‖ m golghtiow ‖ launderette
gorheras m cladding
gorsaf (stacyon) creslu m gorsavow police station
gorsaf dyfudhy m gorsavow fire station
mansyon m mansyons mansion
merjy m merjiow town hall
oberjy ‖ m oberjiow ‖ workhouse (historical)
owravalva ‖ f owravalvaow ‖ orangery
penserneth m architecture
peswarcorn ‖ m peswarkern ‖ quadrangle
plack m plackys plaque
porthorjy ‖ m porthorjiow ‖ gatehouse, porter's lodge
pùnyon m pùnyons gable
pynakyl m pynaclys pinnacle
sal m salys hall
scoljy ‖ m scoljiow ‖ schoolhouse
scovva pellgôwsor f scovvaow phone box
sodhva covscrefa f sodhvaow registry office
tâlva (peryment) f tâlvaow pediment
termynva (byldyans pedn hens) m termynvaow terminal (airport etc)
tour anedhy m tourow tower block (residential)
tour an clock m tourow clock tower
tour ebron m tourow skyscraper
tour-dherevyans ‖ m tour-dherevyansow ‖ tower block
touryk m tourygow turret
tre scovvaow f trevow shanty town
bùtres neyjys m bùtressys flying buttress
cloghty m cloghtiow belfry
gargoul m gargoulys gargoyle
kesson clegh m kessonyow peal
men bedh m meyn gravestone, tombstone
mondour m mondourow spire
pronterjy ‖ m pronterjiow ‖ rectory; vicarage
yet corflan ‖ m yettys lychgate
asclasva f asclasvaow chipshop, chippie
blejednor m blejenoryon florist['s]
bûtyk m bûtygow boutique
bûtyk carnal m bûtygow sex shop
cavarn Nadelyk m Santa's grotto
cresen lowarthoryon f cresednow garden centre
cresen prenassa (marhasva, shopva) f cresednow shopping centre
dylasor m dylasoryon clothier['s], outfitter['s]
encledhyor m encledhyoryon undertaker['s]
êwnor eskyjyow m êwnoryon shoe repairer['s], cobbler['s]
golytty (shoppa golythyon) m golytiow steakhouse; chop-house (historical)
golytty Tùrkek (shoppa golythyon Tùrkek) m golytiow kebab-house
gwerthor backa m gwerthoryon tobacconist['s]
gwerthor losow m gwerthoryon greengrocer['s]
gwerthor warrantys m gwerthoryon dealer[ship] (cars etc)
gwycor strêt m gwycoryon street trader / vendor
jeweler m jewelers jeweller['s]
kerior m kerioryon cobbler['s], bootmaker['s]
kigor m kigoryon butcher['s]
kigva f kigvaow butcher's
mainor morgajys m mainoryon mortgage broker['s]
mainor rentya m mainoryon letting agent['s]
mainor treven m mainoryon estate agent['s]
okerva f okervaow pawnbroker's
parleth (salon) afînans m parledhow beauty salon
parleth (salon) blew m parledhow hair salon
parleth corflywa ‖ m parledhow tattoo parlour
parleth encledhyas m parledhow funeral parlour
parleth (salon) ewynas m parledhow nail salon
parleth howl m parledhow tanning parlour
plâss manwertha ‖ m plâssyow retail outlet, retailer
popty m poptiow bakery, baker's
pytsava f pytsavaow pizza outlet / parlour
rom showya m rômys showroom
sëgh-glanheor ‖ m sëgh-glanheoryon ‖ dry-cleaner['s]
shoppa adradnow m shoppys department store
shoppa boos leun m shoppys health food shop
shoppa breghtanow m shoppys sandwich shop
shoppa cheryta m shoppys charity shop
shoppa comodyta m shoppys convenience store
shoppa creftow chy m shoppys DIY store
shoppa daffar horn m shoppys hardware store, ironmonger's
shoppa dyllas m shoppys clothes shop
shoppa dyllas brâs m shoppys outsize shop
shoppa dyscowntys m shoppys discount store
shoppa eskyjyow m shoppys shoe shop
shoppa fassyon m shoppys boutique
shoppa gwystla m shoppys betting shop
shoppa ilow m shoppys music store
shoppa kerdhfônow m shoppys mobile phone shop
shoppa lyfryow m shoppys bookshop
shoppa mebyl m shoppys furniture shop
shoppa pastys m shoppys pie shop
shoppa pëth chy m shoppys homeware shop
shoppa platednow m shoppys record store
shoppa qwyck hag uskys phr convenience store
shoppa vêpys m shoppys vape shop
shoppa whegow m shoppys sweet shop
trehor alwhedhow m trehoryon key cutter
Adran Towledna f Adradnow Planning Department
an godrevy pl the outskirts (of town)
cowethas anedhyans f cowethasow housing association
cubmyas trevna m cumyasow planning permission
dastenythyans trevek m urban regeneration
grugys gwer m grugysow green belt
grugysegy v zone
grugysegyans m zoning
mestre ‖ f mestrevow ‖ suburb; pl suburbia
mestrevek ‖ adj suburban
park treven (trevbark, trevenva) m parcow housing estate
tir gwel gell m brownfield land
treven socyal pl social housing
tyller in gwel gwer phr green field site
An Arlodhes Mêres f The Lady Mayoress
An Arlùth Mer m The Lord Mayor
bùrjesedhek adj municipal
bùrjeseth m bùrjesedhow municipality
bùrjestra f bùrjestrevow borough
fardel drogdybys ‖ m fardellow suspect package
gorvok m fumes, emissions
henavak m henavogyon alderman
mer m mêras mayor
mêres f mêresow mayoress
mognywl ‖ m smog
qwartron golowys rudh m qwartronys red light district
Scrifwas an Dre m Town Clerk
trevek adj urban
trewedh ‖ f trewedhow ‖ townscape, cityscape