Worksheet 17 for use with Skeul an Tavas on completion of Lesson 18
© 2019 Ray Chubb and Ian Jackson
2nd edition July 2020
Put each date into Cornish, in full, no figures allowed! See if you can work out what happened on each date – take a guess at unknown words.
1. 27 June 1497, execûcyon a’n Gov
2. 10 April 1873, genesygeth Robert Morton Nance
3. 8 May 1945, Gool an Vyctory in Ewrop
4. 14 November 1948, genesygeth Pryns Charlys, Pensevyk Kembra ha Dûk Kernow
5. 22 November 1963, in Dallas y feu Presydent an Stâtys Unyes ledhys dre wodn
6. 20 July 1969, Neil Armstrong a veu an kensa trettyor wàr an Loor
7. 15 February 1971, dallath an mona degedhek (or degyl)
1. 27 June 1497, execûcyon a’n Gov (execution of Michael Joseph An Gov), an seythves warn ugans mis Metheven / Efen, peswardhek cans, seytek ha peswar ugans (or simply onen peswar naw seyth)
2. 10 April 1873, genesygeth Robert Morton Nance (birth of Robert Morton Nance), an degves mis Ebrel, êtek cans, tredhek ha try ugans (or simply onen eth seyth try)
3. 8 May 1945, Gool an Vyctory in Ewrop (Victory in Europe Day, literally Celebration), an êthves mis Mê, nawnjek cans, pymp ha dew ugans (or simply onen naw peswar pymp)
4. 14 November 1948, genesygeth Pryns Charlys, Pensevyk Kembra ha Duk Kernow (birth of Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall), an peswardhegves mis Du, nawnjek cans, eth ha dew ugans (or simply onen naw peswar eth)
5. 22 November 1963, in Dallas y feu Presydent an Stâtys Unyes ledhys dre wodn (in Dallas the President of the United States was shot dead, literally killed through gun), an secùnd warn ugans mis Du, nawnjek cans, try ha try ugans (or simply onen naw whegh try)
6. 20 July 1969, Neil Armstrong a veu an kensa trettyor wàr an Loor (Neil Armstrong became the first to walk, literally the first treader, on the Moon), an ugansves mis Gortheren, nawnjek cans, naw ha try ugans (or simply onen naw whegh naw)
7. 15 February 1971, dallath an mona degedhek (or degyl) (introduction, literally beginning, of [the] decimal currency), an pymthegves mis Whevrel, nawnjek cans, udnek ha try ugans (or simply onen naw seyth onen)